Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thoughts on coming full circle...

I have never appreciated my mom more than I do now...well, of course both my parents...Dad included, but there is just something about that motherly bond that you get the moment your child comes into the's a true, you've come full circle moment...I finally felt some of the emotions that my mother must have been feeling all these years...and I get it now. I truly believe that you can never fully appreciate the love of your mother without having a child of your own. Maybe it's the unconditional love, maybe its the hopes and the dreams that you have for your child, maybe it's protection, the worry and maybe it's all of the above. I think having Luca has made me love my mother even more than before...if that's possible ...The bond between mother and baby is so strong and such an amazing thing. I enjoy every minute of it...the nursing, the crying, the laughing, the cuddling...I'm so grateful not only to be a mother, but to have a wonderful mother and finally, appreciate every once of her!

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