Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's definitely official...

It was Tuesday afternoon when Huzzy (one of many soon-to-be-famous nicknames for my new husband) and I picked up the mail and quickly discovered that indeed it was official, we were husband and wife. We did sign the certificate and our lady Mrs. Medina (officiant) did too. She must have sent it off to wedding license gods in California like she said she would because there it was in front of us on that Tuesday afternoon... As official as it gets... It's true, we're married. It was a welcome reminder of the last three weeks of bliss... Which at this point feels more like a blur than anything. All that meticulous planning and preparation, excitement and anticipation and it was over in a flash. I know all brides say that and I hate that I am now one of those but it's the truth. Now I'm on to bigger and better figuring out what I want to do with my life and what my next blog entries will entail...probably some more wedding details... To be continued....

oh and fyi...I am really not a derelict and I do know how to spell Husband, but apparently the iphone doesn't so if you read this post before I could get to it to edit I have now fixed it for your convenience (and for my respect...)

Until next time,

love britt

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