Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's been a while...

Today I'm working from home. It's a nice day to be doing this because it's cold and rainy and when the day's over, I will have new carpet in our home office and clean carpet everywhere else in the house. We are slowly getting ready for baby! Two and a half months left! I can't believe how time flies sometimes. We've been swamped that's probably why.

Currently the home project underway is the office. Alex and I are trying to make our home office into kind of a man cave if you will. It's going to be darker (a break from the rest of the house which is all white) and a little more rustic. We may even add some taxidermy...imagine that! We're so excited about the office transformation. I'll post pictures when we're done, which should be next week if we can stay on schedule.

On a different note, I've been bad with the pregnancy photos...I haven't taken any. No belly shots and really no shots in general! (the one I posted is the last shot taken of me, which was about a month ago). Although I must say that I have been getting a little more inspired by my growing belly. Doc says I'm "measuring big" but most people wouldn't even know I'm preggo. I just look a little thick around the mid section if you know what I mean. I have had a total of two strangers make comments to me, and it was in the same day (must have been wearing something tight). I was excited about that...actually made me feel preggo and not just fat.

The baby had the hiccups the other night. At first, Alex and I just thought it was a strong heartbeat but when I did some research, I figured out that it was probably our baby with the hiccups! Just a fun fact. Anyway...I've been MIA on the blog posts and I know we have some special people in TX that like to stay updated on our lives! ...and I think my friends read my blog too, or I just like to think so...I'm going to try and post more often, especially as the pregnancy draws to a close over the next two and a half months...

Until then...

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