Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alex and Britt plus one...

He's here! Luca is finally home and doing well. We have to go back to the hospital everyday for blood tests until the jaundice subsides but we are really enjoying the new addition to the family.

Luca was three weeks early because I developed a pregnancy related condition called Intrahepatic Cholestasis which effects the liver. Anyway, long story short, it's best for mother and baby if the baby is born a bit early...soooo...that's why Luca joined us a little earlier than normal.

I was induced on Friday night, and after suffering through the night with little or no sleep the doc finally broke my water in the morning. Just when I thought it couldn't get much did. Oh it definitely did. Basically, I thought I was going to die:) Well not really, but that's how I felt at the time. After begging for over an hour for an epidural, I finally hit 4cm and the doc was called in to stick the needle in my spine. All I have to say is that my friends were all right. It's so worth it to have an epidural, especially when you have pitocin. Now, part of me believes that people just tell me this to make me feel better, but in the end, I don't care...pitocin or no pitocin It was one of the best decisions that I've ever made:) In my opinion, I was able to enjoy the process to the fullest extent. I know some of my girls are smiling right now, remembering how adament I was about "natural childbirth"...I always said I was "keeping my option open" :)

Thank god Alex and my doula Rachelle were there to provide support. Alex was awesome, and everytime I looked at him I was reminded that this would all be worth it. And in the end it was, all worth it...we have our little Luca and we are in awe of him.

Luca Frederick~ Born 1.23.10, 4:30pm, 6lbs 10oz, 21 inches of wonder.

Our little blondie loves his dad...

Even though we're a bit tired, we're LOVING every moment of this!

Stay tuned...more posts to come~ promise


The Hustead Family said...

Britt he is absolutely beautiful! How blessed you are. Take in every moment and enjoy being a mommy! Welcome to the club! Now sit down and hold on because it's a ride. But the best ride EVER!!

Michelle said...

What a beautiful family.......