My head is not just
above water, I'm
treading water these days! I feel like I am really getting into a
rhythm and it feels great. Don't get me wrong, I still have days that I barely get off the couch (and when I do it's to the nursery and back to the couch), brush my hair, or shower. I mean, I've watched more daytime TV, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune over the past 6 weeks than I have in my entire life- no lie! (I love Ellen DeGeneres!) But for the most part, I 'm getting stuff done. I'm cleaning here and there, and cooking good meals ("good" by my standards by the way) for my hubby, and most importantly, bonding with my new little man. All in all, we're doing great. Here are some pics of when Grandma and Grandpa Franken and auntie Court were in town. We miss them all so much! Come back!