Friday, August 13, 2010

days of summer...

Again, here little Luca is at the park. We've been having fun while Alex plays some soccer. I love our new swing and the blanket. They're handmade in El Salvador and a friend of mine who lives there half the time brings an array of items back to the U.S. to sell! If anyone is interested in buying anything from baby outfits (boys and girls), blankets, swings, hair accessories, really awesome handbags and totes, scarfs and much more, this is Kelsey's facebook: Kelsey's page

She has sales from time to time around the area and is going to be putting together a website soon (I think).

Ok, I'm going to go now, little man is screeching in my ear...think he's hungry!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Thanks so much for the shout out!! I really appreciate it. Luca looks so cute in the swing and the blanket is perfect!