Monday, October 11, 2010

Luca's Room...

Ok, maybe he never sleeps here, but we do play here! I've had a few requests for pictures of my little man's nursery so here they are! I feel that it's still a work in progress...need to paint a few designs for the remaining wall but I like it none-the-less...

fyi~photography not the taken with iphone=)
A mirror that I had in college...just like it, nothing fancy..
Some old pictures of Alex as a newborn (front) and my mom and I (back).
One of my favorites...Luca's antique dresser, which was mine when I was his age, my dads when he was that age and my great Aunts when she was raising her kids! The baby outfits on display were Alex's dads when we was a babe!
A little collage board...kind of scattered right now, I need to organize it better. Some old pictures of my mom and I, my grandma and I, Alex's mom wearing him just like I wear Luca (love that one), Luca's sonogram, his announcement, a pola of Alex, the Franken fam, picture of Alex when he was a toddler, and our family portrait that needs to be framed...

Blood, sweat and tears went into these book shelves, then I hired a seamstress to finish them and we hung them...I get these ideas in my head and sometimes they're great and other times...well, we'll see how long these last!
An antique wicker chair that's been in my family for four generations (I had new covers made=)
My rocking horse when I was a kid...
Changing table with my cloth diaper storage beneath...(by the way, cloth diapering is one of the best decisions I've ever to marrying Alex, having a baby, and breastfeeding of course...=)
And a happy baby!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Love it!! This room is so great and creative!