Monday, January 10, 2011

11 months Luca

I can't believe my big boy is almost a year old! He's is pointing and really picking up on the communication. I think he'll be walking soon too, but we'll see. I'm in no hurry! He's definitely more work now than every before, but more fun too. We've been busy going to library babies, the Children's Museum, La Leche League and visiting Grandma and Grandpa (although we miss Grandpa and Grandpa Franken, we were spoiled with them being here for the holidays!).

I'm proud that we're almost at a year and he is still breastfed...there is no end in sight either, which is fine for me because I like the bonding and the endless additional benefits that come with breastfeeding. Food is still complimentary for the most part, but let me tell you, this boy is starting to really enjoy eating! And besides a fleeting nap, Luca's meal times are about the only down time I get so no complaints on my end either. is good=)

Here are some shots from month 11...more to come soon.

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