Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thoughts on Alex...

Why I have the best man in the world…

He cleans the house more than I do. He tucks the dogs in at night. He makes a mean latte. He opens the car door for me. He runs at my pace, with me, even though he could leave me in his dust. He’s my computer genius extraordinaire. He learns my favorite songs on the guitar, and plays them often. He’s the hardest worker I know. He loves soccer AND volleyball, and is better than me at both. He gives me back rubs constantly. He makes me laugh. He makes coffee for me every morning just the way I like it. He likes organic food. He puts up with my less than perfect characteristics on a daily basis. He’ll let me teach him yoga. He cleans up dog vomit, even after I said I would do it (though I believe that’s because he thinks he’ll get the carpet cleaner than I will!) He lets me take pictures of him constantly without complaining. He’ll give up his new car for me, and drive my old clunker that doesn’t have AC in the middle of summer. He eats healthy. He cries while watching Extreme Home Makeover. He dresses good, and likes to shop (when we have money!). He has the best taste in music, yet will willingly listen to my cheesy 70s/80s soft rock per my request. He always puts the toilet seat down, and gets mad at ME when I don’t close the lid. He’s older than me (he’s 30!). He does such an amazing amount of laundry sometimes I can’t believe he has THAT MANY dirty clothes. He does the dishes. He takes out the trash AND unloads the dishwasher AND never gives me a chance to do it. He tells me I’m a good singer. He likes sitting at borders with me. He snowboards one season and is better than me, and I’ve been doing it my entire life. He has a fear of spiders that always brings me to tears in laughter. He likes to go everywhere with me (or at least makes me believe this). He grounds me. He is the most trustworthy, reliable, easygoing, lovable person in the world. He loves ME.

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