Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pregnant Diary: Week 11

I'm almost out of the first trimester! Time flies when you're having fun I suppose. The most exciting development this week was a trip to the doc...we got confirmation that indeed there is a human growing inside me- a heartbeat! It was exciting, but mostly just reassuring. I'm feeling better these days, although I never did have much to complain about in the first place. I suppose my next step will be the good ole' "before the bump" belly shots...just so I have a baseline I guess! I'm sure at some point I'll need to remember what I looked like before everything really sets in...

Until then- that's our update...

1 comment:

Jovi-n-Mami said...

I think it's awesome that your blog has now turned to something more specific without you having to think about what that topic could be?!?! it's so fun reading these entries because it takes me back to when i was pregnant too and feeling all the same things. this will be great too to have to go back and read after the baby's born. this is such a special time...although some of it will suck, the tiredness, the constant peeing, etc., if you really think about what's going on...it's truly a miracle and so spectacular! enjoy!