Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Third week of knowing...prego diary entry #3

The pregnant diary week 6:

Last night I woke up in a sweat. Cramps originating in my uterus radiating down my legs had me in the fetal position for what seemed like all night. I then realized I had to pee… really, really bad. To my amazement, the middle of the night bathroom break was what the doctor ordered. Now I could go back to bed, sleep peacefully and not dream about being in labor. Mind you, this is only my 6th week of being prego, and I have to say that I was laying in bed awake for a good additional hour last night, worried that I had run too much in the heat the that day and all the what if’s you go through…my good friend told me today that I need to not think about all the what if’s…she told me to focus on the positive... on that bean inside me growing and getting bigger and healthier…I decided that she’s right, so that’s exactly what I am going to try to do.

Grow baby grow.

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