Thursday, September 17, 2009

Holy Moly...and a few other fun facts about pregnancy

It's week 18. Last night, I thought I might have skin cancer. Today, I asked one of the docs I work with what I should do. She laughed and said, "oh thats just the beginning"...

Apparently moles come with pregnancy. I guess I can just be thankful that it's not anything big or that it's not conveniently situated in the middle of my face or anything. It's on my jaw, so I can move forward and accept this I suppose, but please, please, no more! I'm holding my breath. Seriously.

Other than that, things are going, well...great. The baby is great (so far so good) and Alex is hanging in there too (although he may be up to his eyeballs with me asking for foot massages, but hey, I think I'm deserving...) We still don't know the gender, but we've been hearing that the baby (for which I like the nickname "Giggs", after one of alex's nicknames and a soccer player) may be taking on similar features to aunt Amy, and on the other hand, it may look a bit like uncle Zach as a baby. Who knows! Guess we'll just have to wait and find out!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Yeah aren't the moles fun. I got freckles (which still have not gone away 19 weeks later) that I have never had before. It's weird how the body changes with pregnancy. I am glad things are going well for you!!!