Wednesday, September 30, 2009

just a little reminder...

Last week, for the first time in my life, I bit into my daily animal cracker and as half of it dropped and it dropped exactly half the distance it used to…it landed on my stomach. Yep, that’s right, on the shelf that I once called my waist. Everyone keeps saying that I am not “showing” much, but this was definitely reinforcement that, yes I am indeed getting plump. I just stood there (yes, I was standing too) and looked at the little crumb on my belly, Alex laughing in the background, telling myself: think positive, maybe in a few months the animal cracker will land on my chest! (hey, a girl can hope right?)

These days it seems all Alex and I talk about sometimes are BumGenius diapers and suitable cribs. We're not complaining, it's just funny how things change so quickly- in a good way. Now instead of jammin' on the guitar, Cakes will be perfecting his nursery rhymes. We've decided since neither of us should ever sing out load, the guitar would be the obvious go to for relaxing. I love that my husband plays the guitar!

On a last note, I've decided that I am going to make it a personal goal to workout (yoga, running, hiking, tennis etc.) every day of the second half of my pregnancy. I'm off to a good start, albeit only 7 days in, but still...Wish me luck. And hopefully I'll never have quite this big a shelf (unless there are twins in there, which I doubt!):

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