Thursday, July 15, 2010

having a 6 month old...

First of all, I can't believe Luca is almost 6 months! I know I get sick of people talking about how fast time goes, but in the end, it's true.

This month has been great. We have seen family and friends and have enjoyed some vacation time at the lake and of course, the world cup. I've been reading some, and I really enjoyed "Operating Instructions" by Anne Lamott. She writes about her life during her son's first year and it is laugh out loud funny. Not to mention that there are so many things that I can relate to...I loved it. Luca and I read while relaxing in the hammock at the lake. Anne seems to have had a lot more to deal with in her first year of raising her son (and somehow that makes me feel good about myself), but then I look at Luca and realize that, yes, maybe he doesn't cry much, maybe he sleeps for 10hrs straight but no matter what...everyone has their own battles. We all have our worries and little whole thing this week is Luca and rolling over...see, he's not doing that at all. Part of me says who cares, we shouldn't compare him to other babies (ave age for rolling over is 4 months) but then the other part of me thinks to myself..what if I'm doing something wrong. Am I giving him enough tummy time? Is he really behind in the whole scheme of things? I think he's going to go straight to walking...that sounds good, but then again, I've heard that's BAD too! They miss crucial developmental milestones that could apparently scar him for life! Don't ask me...this is all trial and error I guess=)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Noah didn't roll from his back to his belly till he was almost 8 months old and then a week later was crawling. So everything happens when it is supposed to. We need to get together soon before that baby of your is a toddler.