Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a nice day for a ride...

I finally got a bike! Now, granted it's old, rusted and in need of some TLC, but it was free. To boot, my husband (Cakes for short), also was able to salvage his ole' clunker of a bicycle and we went riding. You know-- it's amazing how some things- some activities, just put a smile on your face. Bike riding (especially when it's done on a lazy cruiser like mine with a fat, squishy seat) does this for me...Cakes too. We both just smiled at each other as we pedaled off. You feel like a kid again, headed out for a day of playing with friends on a summer afternoon, not a worry on your mind. Ahhh...the good ole' days. Alex and I must have had similar upbringings. We both reminisce over summers spent playing soccer at the local park, riding bikes and just being outside...being kids...outside. And I got to thinking...do kids still spend their days trolling around the neighborhood on anything that has wheels? Playing soccer even if it's by yourself against a hill? Having gutter boat races when it rains? Coming home after the street lights come on and no sooner? All I hear today is that kids play video games, watch TV, text, and are on Facebook...and I wonder if this is true...I surely hope not because there is way too much fun to be had just outside the door. And someday, when you're 30 and you hop back on your bike with your hubby and pedal through the thick summer air, wind in your face (albeit with the occasional bug or two... but no biggie... and maybe even a baby fox trotting across your path) you'll be in heaven...right back to where you were as a kid.

1 comment:

Jovi-n-Mami said...

i can tell you that, as a mom, i'm terrified to even let giovanna outside to ride a bike or play because there's so many weirdos in the world now, you never know what can happen! i think those are my own fears i'm placing on her, and i truly hope i can get over them because, you're right, kids need to be doing activities...not sitting indoors on some gadget. i just remember how many dangerous situations i got myself into as a kid hangin out in the street...it makes me stay awake at night to think she'll one day be doing the same.